Harper Life 2019 - Alumni Magazine
Club catch up News from the Harper Adams Club Alumni association Harper Adams Club – consultation A brief overview of the results of the Consultation conducted in Spring 2019. A fuller analysis and recommendations will be circulated early 2020 to members. Overall the response to the consultation far exceeded expectation and clearly displayed the high level of loyalty alumni have to Harper Adams. Responses were received from a representative group of Club members, from age ( ranging from 20 – 90) and courses studied, as well as University staff. Harper Adams Alumni have a sense of belonging to Harper Adams and wish to remain a part of it. Supporting the development of the University as well as supporting current students are key objectives for the Harper Adams Club as it strives to provide a unique identity for graduates. Alumni want to be able to make contact with lost friends, whilst sharing ideas and innovations with others. The Club would like to see an increase in regional / local events and is looking for volunteers to co-ordinate these events – administrative help would be available, so if you feel you are able to assist with this, please get in touch with the committee via email theharperadamsclub@gmail.com Next year will be the centenary of the Harper Adams Club and we are planning a celebration dinner. The inaugural AGMwas held on 30th November 1920. Please watch out for further information in the next newsletter. Farewell Julie Julie Brook, after 27 years, has left Harper Adams, and Alumni matters are being overseen by the Marketing Department. We wish Julie all best wishes in her retirement. Have you considered further study? Explore our range of Postgraduate degrees harper.ac.uk/postgrad Short courses harper.ac.uk/cpd
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